How Can We Help Improve Your Business?
Health & Safety law states that “An employer has a duty of care to ensure... provision of information, instruction, training and supervision...” Putting that to one side and looking at things on a strictly commercial basis, any company would surely want to know the level of competence or compliance their employees are offering wouldn’t they? Below are a few good reasons for this:
Routine Driver Assessments... Why Bother?
Routine Driver Assessments... What Can We Do?
We promote credibility in everything we do - to our customers and to any candidates under instruction because trainers cannot hope to function without credibility.
We have a proven track record for delivering quality and successful assessments, for which we can provide comprehensive testimonials on request. we don’t simply assess drivers, we give remedial training to improve any shortfalls. We then supply an accurate record of the findings detailing positives, negatives and any remedial actions taken.
The format of assessments can be tailored to suit the individual requirements of any organisation and its specific HR or training procedures but normally follow the same format as our Driver CPC page (Click here to go there), However, this would naturally depend on any time restraints, as a full Driver CPC session has to be a minimum of 7 hours excluding any breaks, whereas most periodic driver assessments are generally considerably shorter than this - allowing trainers to deliver at least two assessments per day under normal circumstances.
Having a robust and documented training regime in place can significantly reduce the risk of an organisation and it’s directors from being prosecuted under the Corporate Manslaughter Bill.